New to Vedic Astrology? Read the About Vedic Astrology page.

When this website was first conceived, it was a place for me to write about Astrology and offer my chart reading services. In addition to Astrology, Star Oracles now covers topics related to spirituality, personal mastery, and other forms of divination.

With astrology, you can find answers to the basic questions of love, finance, and career, but it is so much more than that. Many of us want to know about our creative work in the world and what our contribution should be. The birth chart is a map of karmic destiny, and holds the answers to life’s most pressing questions.

There is truth in the ancient science of Astrology, but there is no truth in superstition. What you’ll discover here are ancient Astrological principals and techniques in Vedic Astrology; delivered in a way that is meant to inspire and bring about positive changes in your life.

This is Astrology to empower. For a better idea of what I mean, read my article on Fate Vs. Freewill.

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    What does it mean to see yourself in others?

    “Those who see all things in themselves, and themselves in all beings, relinquish hatred. How can the seeming diversity of life delude the one who has seen its unity?” – Isha Upanishad We’re told that a sense of unity is the end-goal, but there’s a stage in one’s spiritual progress that feels more polarizing than unifying. Whether you’re a seeker… View Post

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